... hockey is their game.
I thought it was absolutely adorbz (that was for you, Car!) that Mitchell, his Dad and 2 older brothers (L-R: Clayton, Mitchell, Tyler and Brad) spent Easter weekend playing in a hockey tournament in Saskatchewan together. What I didn't expect to happen was this:

That's right, folks! They are the (insert name of hockey tourney... which is probably some sort of conference or division... here) Champions!!

Mitchell was quite the stud getting 2 hat tricks (That's 3 goals in a game, Car!) Next year, I will be cheering Mitchell on live in the crowd clad in a t-shirt that reads: I have a FOOT fetish! When I mentioned to my love that I wanted to be there next year, his

exact words were (and I quote) "Not a chance. The guys wouldn't go if you all came." Psssh. What happened to the days when I was "your good luck charm" releasing endorphins before games?!
Take advice from your Cornell message board four years ago ... I, the blonde girl from Florida, should be donning your jersey and representing your team at away games! ...

... He didn't mean it. I know he'll change his mind and my sweet t-shirt will be seen on the jumbotron at next year's (what the eff's the name of the tourney??) Championship Game! As someone who once thought frosting and icing were interchangeable terms in hockey (just like in baking), he better optimize every chance I get to understand the game before I enroll all my futch children in sporting events that don't involve scoring, contact, pucks or rules ... like ballet.
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