
Friday, June 04, 2010

perfectly aligned.

I am thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images
and when we kiss they're perfectly aligned.

I know I said I wasn't going to just post pictures with quotes (or in this case lyrics: Such Great Heights by The Postal Service! = amazing.) so I'm going to elaborate on the handsome man with his arm around me in the picture who just so happens to my boyfmate. Mitch and I have known each other for quite awhile but like I have mentioned in previous posts, he doesn't actually remember me being a part of his childhood 'til fall semester of sophomore year in college when we started an e-mail correspondence in "a pathetic attempt to keep in touch" (that was the subject line). I'm not really sure what prompted this seemingly harmless catching up by two childhood friends but what resulted was a completely unexpected, insanely intense stream of love letters that had me racing back to my dorm in between classes to check my Inbox to see if my personal Shakespeare had responded. I specifically can remember sitting on my beanbag chair with my two roommates (fingertips shaking, heart racing) as I clicked "open" where the three of us would proceed to read and reread each e-mail until every word was committed to memory. It would then take us three days and an entire tube of cookie dough to respond, making sure each sentence was perfectly executed with the right amount of intelligence and humour.

(Sidenote: When I asked Mitch if he remembered the emails we sent in his college he said, "Mmm-hmm" and when I asked what he remembered about them his response was: "That we sent them." I might be going out on a limb here but I have a feeling he wasn't racing back to the Hockey House to see if I had replied.)

My favourite aspect of our penpalship was the format of our e-mails. I remember thinking how do you try to rekindle a childhood friendship now that we were quasi-adults (it was college; there was nothing real worldish about it.) so I started asking super childish questions like what's you favourite colour (baby blue) and favourite movie (Dead Poets Society). Mitchell had incredibly well thought out answers to my questions but it was the questions he proposed to me that really intrigued me. What's your favourite book? If you could meet anyone, who would it be? What are you passionate about? Where do you want to travel? His questions were so intellectual. When I would go visit him in Phoenix we would get completely lost in conversation and stay up all night talking about world issues, politics and random thoughts like the difference between being naive and closed-minded. To this day, the witty banter that occurs on a daily basis in our lives now is still a perfect blend of intelligence and humour, I'm still asking childish questions (mostly about the game of hockey) but Mitch is no longer as elated to stay up all night talking as I get lots of responses like "Why couldn't you think of these questions during the daytime?"

1 comment:

Takingstock said...

Totally enjoyed this entry Jocelyn. Russ and I had a long distance relationship for a while. There is something much deeper when you have to communicate by writing. You two look wonderful together. I think Mitch's Aunt was one of my favorite teachers...Mrs. Baxter.
